Contact the Chaplain
Contact The Rev. Timothy C. Drum, SMC Chaplain, via email or 864-587-4282.
College life presents unique challenges to living a faithful life. As an institution connected to the United Methodist Church, SMC encourages students to grow and develop in their faith, both intellectually and spiritually. In the classroom, you will be challenged to explore the views of others whose faith traditions may not be like yours. At the same time, you are invited to participate in various campus ministry activities that will help you grow spiritually. In the words of John and Charles Wesley, founders of what is now the Untied Methodist Church, we strive “to unite the two so long disjoined, knowledge and vital piety.”
The foundation of our campus ministry program is worship. SMC offers weekly Chapel services that are designed to expose participants to various worship styles. Students are encouraged to assist in the leading of these worship serves, sharing the gifts they have been given to make the services more meaningful to the gathered community. Groups such as the SMC Gospel Choir and the Troubadours lead in music and praise.
SMC offers a wide variety of Bible studies and fellowship opportunities. Currently, we are fortunate to have denominational campus ministries and parachurch organizations to assist students in their spiritual growth. By joining together with other students in these small groups, students can learn from one another how to live faithfully on a college campus.
Students will also be challenged to be the hands and feet of Christ through service to those in need. Many different groups plan and implement service projects as a part of their programming, making a difference in our community. SMC provides many opportunities for group or individual service. Students are encouraged to join with other students to serve through Kappa Sigma Alpha (SMC’s co-ed student-led service fraternity). If you have a particular area in which you would like to focus your service and need assistance in finding a place, contact the Chaplain.
From its beginning, the people called Methodist have valued enriching both mind and spirit. The United Methodist Church is the only church to be founded on a university campus. In the spirit of their founders, United Methodists have established over 100 colleges and universities in the United States.
SMC’s motto is “Deus Providet,” which means “God Provides.” We look forward to seeing how God will provide for you during your time at SMC, and how God will provide a blessing for others through you.
SMC is approved by The University Senate of The United Methodist Church.

Religious Organizations at SMC
Devotional Group
The Devotional Group meets every weekday (except Wednesday) at 11AM in the Chapel to read and prayerfully discuss scriptures chosen by the student participants. Anyone is welcome to attend. Please contact Chaplain Drum at if you have any questions.
Baptist Collegiate Ministry
Offers men’s and women’s small groups focusing on Bible study and discipleship, as well as an opportunity to join with students from the other Spartanburg colleges and universities for worship on the campus of USC Upstate on Thursdays at 8:00 p.m. VISIT THE BCM WEBSITE
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Offers Bible study, special programs, and times of fellowship for intercollegiate and intramural athletes (and even non-athletes).
Upstate CRU
Provides Bible study, fellowship, and one on one mentoring to assist students on their faith journey. Meets on Tuesday nights @ 7:30 PM in SMC’s Chapel for a small group Bible study. VISIT THE UPSTATE CRU WEBSITE
SMC Gospel Choir
The SMC Gospel Choir, is open to all students who enjoy singing and fellowship. They perform at Chapel services and for various on and off campus events.
The Open Table
The Open Table On Wednesday evenings, a group will gather to learn to cook a recipe, eat together, and be fed spiritually with fellowship and devotional activities. Please keep an eye out for the location of the Open Table each week. Please contact Chaplain Drum at if you have any questions.