Commuter Week 2025

Campus wide 1000 Powell Mill Rd, Spartanburg, SC, United States

Week to celebrate our commuters (students who commute to campus)! Enjoy events, activities, and giveaways from the SMCX and other departments across campus.

Event Series Commuter Week Parking Lot Party

Commuter Week: Parking Lot Party

Montgomery Annex Parking Lot 107 County Rd, Spartanburg, SC, United States

Every Morning 7:30AM-11AM park at the Montgomery Annex Parking Lot and receive a treat bag (new items each day, collect them all!). Campus Safety will also have the golf carts, if you would like a ride to class! *100 Bags/day & Golf Cart Rides when available/weather permitting!

Commuter Lounge: Student Center Lounge

SMCX Student Center Lounge

Campus Location stocked with snacks, Commuter Maps, and decorations for Commuter Students! Enjoy a designated space where you can meet other commuters and learn more about campus.

Commuter Week: Free Lunch!

Dining Hall

Commuter students, enjoy a FREE lunch in the dining hall on Wednesday and learn more about dining services at SMC!

SMCX Career Panel: Undecided

Buchheit Board Room 865 Darryl Windham Drive, Spartanburg, SC, United States

The SMCX Career Development Department offers career panels specific to student interests to gain awareness and listen to various career professionals speak about their occupations.  The topic for our upcoming panel is Undecided. Professional Development (PDEV) Credit is available.